Once the Bodhisatta, geboren als a kinnara named Canda, lebte mit sein mate Candā in the Canda mountain in Himavā. One day, while they were disporting themselves near a little stream, singing und dancing, der König of Benares, who had gone hunting, saw Candā und fell in love mit her. So he shot Canda mit an arrow, und when Candā lamented aloud at the sight of her dead Ehemann der König revealed himself und offered her sein love und sein Königreich. Canda scorned the offer und protested to the gods that they should have allowed harm to befall her Ehemann. Sakka's throne was heated by her such great loyalty und, coming in the guise of a Brahmanen, he restored to Canda sein life.
Der König was Anuruddha und Candā was Rāhulamātā. Die Geschichte bezog sich auf by the Buddha when besuchte er sein Vater's palace at Kapilavatthu und heard from Suddhodana how devotedly Rāhulamātā had continued to love der Buddha. He said it was not the first time that she had shown her undying affection. J.iv.282ff; DhA.i.97.