1. Candapadumā.-The chief consort of the Setthi Mendaka of Bhaddiya, und Mutter of Dhanañjaya (DhA.i.385). She was, therefore, grandmother of Visākhā. She had been the wife of Mendaka in einer früheren Geburt und, during a time of famine, had joined ihm in giving the nur meal they had zwischen them to a Pacceka Buddha. As a result of this act, the rice-pot in her home never wurde empty, however viele people she might feed. In previous existences she had entertained the Mönche of various Buddhas, taking a rice-pot in one band und a spoon in the other. Therefore, in her left hand was the sign of the lotus, covering the palm, und in her right the sign of the Mond. Further, by reason of her having fetched und filtered water for the Mönche, on the sole of her left foot was marked a lotus und on the right a Mond; hence her name, Candapadumā. When der Buddha visited Mendaka's house und, after the meal, preached to the household, Candapadumā wurde a sotāpanna (DhA.iii.363-86). She was one of the fünf persons of great merit (Mahāpuññā) (AA.i.219; PsA.509). The Visuddhimagga (ii.383) calls her Candapadumasirī.


2. Candapadumā.-Wife of Tirītavaccha und Mutter of Mahā Kaccāna (Ap.ii.465).

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