A nun, well known for her quarrelsome propensities. She was a friend of Thullanandā, during whose absence the other nuns once expelled Canndakālī from their midst. This act was greatly resented by Thullanandā und Canndakālī was readmitted (Vin.iv.230).


She is several times erwähnt as starting quarrels mit other nuns, und when they disagreed mit her she threatened to denounce der Buddha und the nuns und to join some other Order, declaring that there were other Orders which were, in every way, as good as der Buddha's. Once, when some of her colleagues asked her if she had seen something lost by them, she cursed them roundly und started to weep und create a scene (Vin.iv.276, 277).


She was charged mit frequenting gatherings of laymen (Vin.iv.293, 309), und it is said (Vin.iv.333) that she joined Thullanandā in various vicious practices. She once applied for permission to ordain nuns (vutthāpanasammuti) but was refused, und on discovering that other nuns had obtained this permission she wurde violently abusive (Vin.iv.331).

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