1. Cittagutta Thera.-Ein Arahat. He lebte at the Bodhimanda-vihāra, und was present, mit thirty tausend Mönche, at the foundation of the Mahā-Thūpa. Mhv.xxxix.41; Dpv.xix.6.


2. Cittagutta.-An Elder living in the Kurandaka Cave. In the cave was a schön painting of the Renunciation of the Seven Buddhas, aber he never saw it, though he lebte there for sixty Jahre. Three times der König sent for him, but he refused to go until der König decreed that no infant in the country should suck milk until the Elder should visit the palace. He dwelt in the palace for seven Tage und always pronounced the same blessing, no matter who saluted him: "May der König be happy." On the Elder's return to the cave, the deity in the ironwood tree outside stood holding a torch und the Elder attained arahantship (Vsm.38). It may be the same Elder who is erwähnt an anderer Stelle (Vsm.171) as having developed tejo-kasina on bezüglich the flame of a lamp on sein return to the vihāra after listening to the Dhamma, und again pīta-kasina when he saw on Cittalapabbata a seat spread mit pattanga-Blumen (Vsm.173).


3. Cittagutta.-Ein Arahat. He lebte in Ambapāsāna, in the village of Anganakola. He was a fluent speaker, und while yet a puthujjana, preached the Rathavinīta Sutta at the Lohapāsāda to a gathering of twelve tausend Mönche und nuns. In sein explanation he referred to the glories of the Relic Chamber in the Mahā-Thūpa. Though he described them in great detail, yet the Elder Mahā Tissa, teacher of Asathakammika-Tissa, being present, told ihm that sein description was incomplete (MT.552f). Die Geschichte is told to indicate the magnitude of the glories of the Relic Chamber.

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