Der Bodhisatta, unter the name of Bodhi (he is auch referred to as Culla-bodhi), war einmal born in a very rich family of Kāsi und studied in Takkasilā. His parents married ihm to a suitable wife but, because they had both come from the Brahma-world, they were free from passionate desire. After sein parents' death, the two distributed their wealth und wurde Asketen. One day they came to der König's park, und there der König fell in love mit the woman und carried her away by force to the palace. When he told the Bodhisatta of this, he showed no resentment whatever. In the palace der König found that he could not win the woman's love, und returned to the park, curious to know whether the Asket really meant what he said. In the course of conversation the Bodhisatta told der König that he did not give way to anger because anger, once awakened, is difficult to curb.
Die Geschichte bezog sich auf in reference to ein Mönch of violent temper. Der König was Ananda und the Bodhisatta's wife was Rāhulamātā. (J.iv.22-27. Vergl. the Ananusociya Jātaka).
Die Geschichte is auch given in the Jātakamālā as the Khudda-bodhi Jātaka (Nr.xxi), und in the Cariyāpitaka. Cyp., p.86.