Once the Bodhisatta was geboren als Dhammapāla, Sohn von Mahāpatāpa, König of Benares und seine Königin, Candā. One day Candā was playing mit her seven-months-old baby mit whom she was so engrossed that, when der König entered the room, she omitted to rise.
This roused der König's jealousy, und he sent for the executioner und had the prince's hands und feet und head cut off und sein body encircled mit sword-cuts " as though mit a garland." He paid no heed to Candā's lamentations, und she, in her great sorrow, fell down dead of a broken heart. Flames arose from Avīci, und wrapping Mahāpatāpa about, "as mit a woollen garment," plunged ihm in the lowest hell.
Die Geschichte was, told in reference to Devadatta's attempts to kill der Buddha. Devadatta was Mahāpatāpa und Mahā Pajāpatī was Candā (J.iii.177-82). The Jātaka is often cited (z.B., J.iv.11; v.113) to illustrate how anger, when once arisen, is difficult to control.