A young Brahmane of Benares came to Takkasilā und wurde very proficient in archery. His teacher gab ihm sein Tochter in marriage und he wurde known as Culla-Dhanuggaha. When on sein way mit seiner Frau to Benares, he killed a fierce elephant, und then meeting fifty bandits, slew all except the leader. He seized the leader und hurling ihm to the ground asked seiner Frau for sein sword. But seiner Frau, conceiving a passion for the bandit, placed the sword's hilt in the bandit's hand, und he straightway slew Culla-Dhanuggaha. While walking away mit the woman, the bandit, reflecting on her treacherousness, decided to leave her. When they came to a river he left her on the bank, und taking her ornaments across the river on the pretence of keeping them safe he deserted her. The Bodhisatta, geboren als Sakka, observing this und wishing to shame the woman, appeared before her as a jackal, mit Mātali as a fish und Pañcasikha as a bird. The jackal had a piece of flesh in sein mouth, aber when the fish leapt up he abandoned it to catch the fish, nur to find the bird flying away mit it. The woman saw und understood. Die Geschichte was told in reference to ein Mönch who wished to leave the Order because of sein former wife. The Mönch is identifiziert mit Culla-Dhanuggaha und seiner Frau mit the woman of the story (J.iii.219-24).
According to the Dhammapada Kommentar (DhA.iv.65ff), the story was told in reference to a young Mönch who, going to a house to fetch water, saw a young woman und fell in love mit her. She encouraged sein attentions, und the monk, desiring her, wished to leave the Order.