A Thera who lebte in Girigāmakanna. König Kutakanna(tissa), while staying in Uppalavāpi, once sent for ihm out of sein great respect for him. The Thera came und resided in Mālārāmavihāra. Having discovered from the Elder's Mutter that Cūlasudhamma was fond of radishes (?kanda), der König prepared some und took them to the vihāra, but, while offering them to the Elder, he could not bring himself to look at sein face. When leaving the vihāra, he asked seine Königin, "what did the Elder look like?" But she replied that if he, who was the Elder's follower (parisa), could not look at him, how could she do so? Der König marvelled that the Sohn von one of sein subjects should have such power. VibhA.452.

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