Ein Arahat. In der Zeit von Kassapa Buddha he belonged to a very rich family in Benares, und having heard der Buddha preach covered der Buddha's Gandhakuti acht times mit the vier kinds of fragrant stuff (catujātiyagandha). In this age he was born in Sāvatthi. While he was yet in sein Mutter's womb the perfume of sandalwood spread from her body und on the day of sein Geburt it filled the whole city; so it was auch on the day of sein ordination und on that of sein death. He entered the Order on seeing der Buddha convert Sela und sein followers (Ap.ii.508ff). He is wahrscheinlich identisch mit Subhūti Thera (ThagA.i.405). His legend seems to have become confused mit that of Sugandha. Siehe Ap.ii.459 und ThagA.i.80f.