1. Devasabha Thera.-An arahant. He was the son of the ruler of a province und succeeded to the title when quite young. He visited the Buddha, und after hearing him preach, entered the Order, attaining arahantship shortly afterwards.
In der Zeit von Sikhī Buddha he was a dove, und, having seen the Buddha, offered him a piyāla-fruit. He was three times König under the name of Piyālī (Thag.v.100; ThagA.i.187f). He is probably identical mit Piyālaphaladāyaka of the Apadāna. Ap.i.169f.
2. Devasabha Thera.-An arahant. He was a Sākiyan of Kapilavatthu. He witnessed the Buddha settle the quarrel between the Sākiyans und the Koliyans und was established in the Refuges. Later he visited the Buddha at the Nigrodhārāma und entered the Order, afterwards attaining arahantship.
In der Zeit von Sikhī Buddha he was a householder und offered the Buddha bandhujīvaka-flowers. Seven kappas ago he was a König named Samantacakkhu (Thag.v.100; ThagA.i.203f).
He is probably identical mit Bandhujīvaka of the Apadāna. Ap.i.175f.