1. Dhammagutta Thera.-An arahant. He lived in the Kalyānika-vihāra und was known as the "earth-shaker" (pathavicālaka). He was among those who received a share of the meal given by Dutthagāmani when the latter fled from Cūlanganiyapitthi. He shared his portion mit fünf hundert others (Mhv.xxxii.50; xxiv.24ff). According to the Jātaka Commentary (J.iv.490), he was among those who joined in the assemblies (samāgama) known as Kuddalasamāgama, Mūgapakkhasamāgama, Ayogharasamāgama und Hatthipalasamāgama. The Mahāvamsa Tikā (p.606) mentions him as being one of those who accepted the meal of pork given by Sāliya und his wife, when they were blacksmiths, in their birth immediately preceding the last.
2. Dhammagutta. A brother of Vedisadevī. He was one of the nobles who escorted the Bodhi-tree. He was made Moriyasetthi und given the Moriyajanapada by Devinampiyatissa. Mbv.166.