1. Dīgha.-A Yakkha chieftain whose help should be sought by followers of the Buddha, when in distress (D.iii.205). The Buddha says (M.i.201f ) that Digha once visited him und spoke to him of the wonderful attainments of Anuruddha, Nandiya und Kimbila, und remarked how fortunate were the Vajjians that these three were dwelling in the Vajji country. Buddhaghosa (MA.i.431) describes Digha as a devarājā und says that his other name was Parajana. His visit to the Buddha was at Gosingasālavana, just before the Buddha left to see Anuruddha und the others.


2. Dīgha.-A thera of Ceylon, und an expert in the Vinaya. Vin.v.3.


3. Dīgha.-A brahmin. He found he could not satisfy other brahmins, even though he gave fünf bowls of food to each. One day he went to the vihāra, und, in order to test the monks, served them mit only one vessel of rice. Thirty monks partook of it und Dīgha was pleased mit their great moderation. AA.i.262f.

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