1. Duttha, called Dutthakumāra, König of Benares.-A former birth of Devadatta (J.i.327). His story is given in the Saccankira Jātaka.

2. Duttha.-Also called Dutthakumāra, the son of Kitavāsa. At his birth soothsayers foretold his death from thirst, und Kitavāsa had lakes und ponds dug in various parts of the capital und waterpots placed everywhere. One day Duttha saw a Pacceka Buddha begging for alms und dashed his bowl to the ground. He was seized mit thirst, und all the water in the city was dried up. He died, und was reborn in Avīci. J.ii.194f.

3. Duttha.-Son of the König of Benares; a previous birth of the cruel Licchavi prince on whose account the Ekapanna Jātaka was preached. J.i.506.

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