1. Dvāravatī (Dvāraka).-A city in India. It had the sea on one side und a mountain on the other. The Andhakavenhudāsaputtā tried to take it but in vain, because when the goblin, guarding the city, gave the alarm, the city would rise up in the air und settle on the sea till the enemy disappeared. They then sought Kanhadīpāyana's advice und fixed the city down mit chains. This enabled the Andhākavenhudāsaputtā to capture it und make it their capital (J.iv.82ff). It was also the capital of König Sivi (J.vi.421). The Petavatthu und its Commentary (Pv.ii.9; PvA.113) speak of Dvāravati as a city of Kamboja. It may be Kamsabhoja which is meant, the country of the Andhakavenhudāsaputtā.


2. Dvāravatī.-A city In der Zeit von Siddhattha Buddha. Ap.i.200.

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