1. Ekadhammasavaniya Thera.-He was the son of a banker in Setavyā und he went to see the Buddha who was visiting the town und staying in the Simsapā-wood. The Buddha preached to him on the impermanence of all component things und at the end of the sermon he became an arahant. He received his name because he won insight by hearing the Dhamma only once.

In der Zeit von Padumuttara Buddha he was a tree-sprite und, coming across some monks who had lost their way, he looked after them, gave them food und directed them to their destination. After the death of Kassapa Buddha, he was born as the son of Suyāma und great-grandson of Kikī und became König of Benares under the name of Kikī Brahmadatta. Not finding anyone capable of preaching the Doctrine to him, he left his throne in disgust und started on his way to Himavā. As he went along the road, Sakka appeared before him und quoted to him some lines on the impermanence of all things. Satisfied therewith, the König returned to his capital (Thag.v.67; ThagA.i.151f).

The Apadāna verses regarding this Thera quoted in the Theragāthā Commentary are, in the Apadāna itself (i.152f), attributed to an Elder named Maggasaññaka, mit whom he is evidently to be identified. Five kappas ago he became König twelve times under the name of Sacakkhu. v.l. Ekadhammika.

2. Ekadhammasavaniya Thera.-An arahant. In der Zeit von Padumuttara he was a Jatila of great power. Once when journeying through the air he found his progress suddenly stopped und, on investigation, discovered that below him, on the ground, the Buddha was preaching. He listened to the sermon, which dealt mit impermanence, und, returning to his hermitage, meditated on this topic. Later he was born in Tāvatimsa. Fifty-one times he reigned as König of heaven for thirty tausend kappas und zwanzig-one times he was König of men. In this last life he heard a monk in his father's house preaching a sermon in reference to the impermanence of all component things. At the end of the sermon he remembered his former attainments und, seated there, reached arahantship. He was only seven years old at the time. Ap.ii.385.

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