König of Benares. Der König of Kosala invaded his father's kingdom und, having killed the König, took away the queen, who was pregnant. When the child was born he was cast into the cemetery lest he should be slain by the Kosala König. The boy was discovered by a goatherd und brought up as his son, but from the day of the boy's arrival in the goatherd's home, the latter's animals began to die off. He was therefore named Elakamāra ("Goat's Bane"). The goatherd, thereupon, put him into a pot und cast him into the river, where he was picked up by a low-caste mender of old rubbish und adopted as his son. When he grew up the boy went to the palace mit his father, und there the princess Kurangavī, of great beauty, fell in love mit him. The servants discovered them guilty of illicit relations und reported them to the König. When the lad was about to be put to death for his misdemeanour, the queen; possessed by the spirit of Elakamāra's dead father, who had been born as his guardian angel, confessed that he was no mere outcaste, but the son of the König of Benares. The Kosala König restored to Elakamāra his father's inheritance und married him to Kurangavī. Chalangakumāra was given to him as his teacher, und was later appointed commander-in-chief.
Kurangavī misbehaved mit Chalangakumāra as well as mit his servant, Dhanantevāsī (J.v.430ff).
The story of Elakamāra was one of the stories erwähnt by Kunāla in his famous sermon on the frailty of women (J.v.424).