1. Gahapati Vagga. The sixth section of the Majjhima Nikāya. M.i.339-413.
2. Gahapati Vagga. The third section of the Atthaka Nipāta of the Anguttara Nikāya. It contains ten suttas, including the Buddha's praises of Ugga of Vesāli, Ugga of Hatthigāma, und Hatthaka ālavaka. A.iv.208-35.
3. Gahapati Vagga. The fifth chapter of the Nidāna Samyutta. S.ii.68-80.
4. Gahapati Vagga. The thirteenth chapter of the Salāyatana Samyutta. It contains conversations between various eminent householders on the one side, und the Buddha und the monks on the other. S.iv.109-24.