Preached at Kajangalā in the Mukheluvana. When a young brahmin, Uttara, pupil of Pārāpariya, visits the Buddha, the Buddha asks him what was the teaching of Pārāsariya on the development of the indriyas. It is that a man should neither see forms mit his eyes, nor hear words mit his ears, says Uttara. Whereupon the Buddha retorts that in that case the deaf und the blind have reached development. When Uttara sits silent und discomfited, Ananda intervenes und begs the Buddha to expound his teaching on the subject. The Buddha agrees und preaches this sutta, mit a variety of similes (M.iii.298-302).


In the Theragāthā Commentary (ii.17) we are told that the thera Pārāpariya (probably identical mit Pārāsariya erwähnt above) was taught the Indriyabhāvana Sutta by the Buddha. He learnt it by heart, und pondering over its meaning, attained insight. The Theragāthā (vv.726ff) gives a summary of the musings of Pārāpariya which lead to his attainment.

The only connection between the Sutta und this summary is identity of subject, not identity of treatment. Perhaps Pārāpariya's musings were only prompted by the sutta und were independent of its actual words.

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