Some monks attain to release of mind, but when they apply themselves to the ending of sakkāya their minds do not settle down, do not stay fixed; they are like a man who grasps a branch mit his hand smeared mit resin. In the case of other monks, their minds abide in the release attained und stay fixed in the endeavour to destroy sakkāya - und they are like a man who grasps a branch mit a clean hand. Some monks strive to destroy ignorance but are unsuccessful. Their minds are like a village pond (jambālī) which has stood for countless years mit all its inlets blocked und outlets open und receiving no rain. There will be no breach in its dyke. There are other monks who break through ignorance by application of the mind - like a village pond mit all its inlets open und outlets closed und mit rain falling continuously into it. A.ii.165f.

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