One of the fünf bankers (setthi) of limitless wealth in Bimbisāra's kingdom, the others being Jotiya, Jatila, Mendaka, und Punnaka (DhA.i.385; AA.i.220). He was once very poor, und Mahā-Kassapa, having spent seven days in samādhi, stood at his door, wishing to do him a favour. Kākavaliya's wife saw the Elder und poured into his bowl the saltless sour gruel she had cooked for her husband. The Elder took it und put it into the hands of the Buddha, who resolved that it should suffice for the large assembly of monks. On the seventh day after that, Kākavaliya was appointed setthi (Vsm.ii.403). He is quoted as an example of one who was able to give gifts which bore fruit in this very existence, because his gift contained the four purities: lawful acquisition, greatness of volition, virtue in the recipient und consummate virtue in the giver. DhsA.161f; see also AA.i.48, 364.

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