1. Kāyasakkhi Sutta.-Savittha und Mahā-Kotthita once visit Sāriputta. Sāriputta asks them: Which is the most excellent - one who has testified to the truth mit body, one who has won view, or one released by faith? Savittha prefers the one released by faith, Mahā-Kotthita the one who has testified to the truth mit body, while Sāriputta's preference is for the one who has won view, for in him insight is most developed.

Together they go to the Buddha und put the case before him; the Buddha tells them that it is not an easy matter to decide. A.i.118f


2. Kāyasakkhi Sutta.-A description of the kāyasakkkī - one who has attained und experienced the four jhānas. A.iv.451f

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