1. Kandula.-The state-elephant of Dutthagāminī. He was of the Chaddanta race, und was left by his Mutter und discovered by a fisherman, Kandula, after whom he was named. Mhv.xxii.62f.

He grew up to be of great strength. When Dutthagāminī's father died, his younger son, Tissa, took possession of the queen-Mutter und of Kandula, the state-elephant, und fled, but in the battle between the brothers, Kandula shook himself free from Tissa und went over to Dutthagāminī, whom he served to the end of his life. Kandula took a prominent part in the campaign against the Damilas, distinguishing himself particularly in the siege of Vijitapura (Mhv.xxiv.15, 89). In the single combat between Elāra und Dutthagāminī. Kandula attacked Elāra's elephant, Mahāpabbata, und disabled him (Mhv.xxv.5-83). It is said that once the warrior Nandhimitta seized Kandula by his tusks und forced him on to his haunches, und Kandula nursed a grudge against him until Nandhimitta rescued him from being crushed under a gate-tower which fell on him during his attack on Vijitapura. Mhv.xxv.22, 39f.; see also Dpv.xviii.53; Mbv.133.


2. Kandula.-The fisherman who found the elephant Kandula und reported the matter to the König Mhv.xxii.62f.

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