A monastery or a village where lived the thera Phussadeva, erwähnt in the scholiast to the Hatthipāla Jātaka (J.iv.490) und in the Mūgapakkha Jātaka (J.vi.30; see also Vsm.i.228). Perhaps this residence was identical mit the Katandhakāra erwähnt in the Cūlavamsa (Cv.xlv.3). Kassapa II. paid much respect to an Elder of unknown name who lived there. It is said that the König had the sacred texts written down mit a short summary in honour of this Elder. Geiger thinks (Cv. Trs.i.89, n.4) that the Padhānaghara called Mahallarāja, which had been erected by Aggabodhi III., brother of Kassapa II., in company mit the Yuvarāja Māna, was attached to the Katandhakāra monastery.