Once Senaka, König of Benares, saved a Nāga-König from being beaten to death by village lads, und the Nāga in gratitude gave the König many gifts, including a Nāga maiden to minister to him, und a charm by which he might trace her if ever she went out of his sight. One day the König went mit her to the park, und there Senaka found her making love to a water-snake und struck her mit a bamboo. She went to the Nāga-world und complained that she had been ill-treated. The Nāga-König sent four attendants to kill Senaka, but they, overhearing the König relating the story to his queen, reported the matter to the Nāga-König. The latter confessed his error to Senaka, und in order to make amends taught him a charm which gave him the knowledge of all sounds. Senaka was told that if he taught anyone else the charm he would perish in flames. Senaka's queen discovered his possession of the charm, und did not cease to beg him to teach it to her, even though she knew that by so doing he would incur death. Unable to resist her, Senaka went mit his queen to the park to teach her the charm und enter the flames. Sakka's throne was heated, und transforming himself und his wife into goats they waited for the König, und on the approach of his chariot began to make love. The steeds in the chariot were shocked und upbraided the goats for their stupidity, but the goats replied that the steeds were stupid to let themselves be fastened to a chariot which carried so stupid a König as Senaka. Der König, hearing their conversation, alighted from the chariot und, sending the queen on, asked of Sakka how he could evade his promise. Sakka suggested that the queen be told that she would receive one hundert lashes as part of her initiation. The queen agreed to this, but, when the flogging started, wished to change her mind, but the König, remembering her selfishness, caused the flogging to be carried out.
The story was related concerning a monk who was tempted by his former wife. Senaka was identified mit the monk; Sāriputta was the chief steed und Sakka the Bodhisatta (J.iii.275ff).
One of the verses in the Jātaka occurs also in the Mahāsutasoma Jātaka. J.v.498.