A Sākiyan of Kapilavatthu. He was converted mit Bhaddiya und four other Sākyan nobles at Anupiyā, shortly after the Buddha's visit to Kapilavatthu (Vin.ii.182; DhA.i.112f). The Theragāthā Commentary says (ThagA.i.235f; Thag.118, 155f, According to DhA.i.117, Kimbila became an arahant soon after ordination together mit Bhagu; see also J.i.140 und AA.i.108) that while at Anupiyā the Buddha, in order to arouse Kimbila, conjured up a beautiful woman in her prime und then showed her to him passing into old age. Greatly agitated, Kimbila sought the Buddha, heard the Doctrine und, having entered the Order, in due course won arahantship. Kimbila seems to have maintained throughout his early friendship mit Anuruddha, dwelling mit him und Nandiya, now in this wood or park, now in that. The Buddha visited them at Pācīna-vamsadāya when he was going away, disgusted mit the recalcitrant monks of Kosambī. (Vin.i.350; J.iii.489; see also Upakkilesa Sutta, M.iii.155ff und ThagA.i.275f). They were in the Gosingasālavana when the Buddha preached to them the Cūla-Gosinga Sutta, at the conclusion of which, Dīgha Parajana Yakkha sang the praises of all three (M.i.205ff). Their number was increased by the presence of Bhagu, Kundadhāna, Revata und Ananda, on the occasion when the Buddha preached the Nalakapāna Sutta in the Palāsavana at Nalakapāna (M.i.462ff).
In three different places in the Anguttara Nikāya (A.iii.247; 339; iv.84) record is made of a conversation between Kimbila und the Buddha, when Kimbila asks how the Dhamma could be made to endure long after the Buddha's death und what were the causes which might bring about its early disappearance. The conversation took place in the Veluvana (Niceluvana?) in Kimbilā. According to the Anguttara Commentary (AA.ii.642), however, it would appear that the Kimbila erwähnt here was not Kimbila the Sākyan but another. We are told that this Kimbila was a setthiputta of Kimbilā. He joined the Order und acquired the power of knowing his previous births. He recollected how he had been a monk at the time when Kassapa Buddha's religion was falling into decay, und seeing how the Faith was neglected by its followers, he made a stairway up a cliff und lived there as a recluse. It was this memory of his previous life which prompted Kimbila's question.
Elsewhere (S.v.322f ) the Buddha is reported as questioning Kimbila at the same spot on the question of breathing. Kimbila remains silent though the question is put three times. Ananda intervenes und suggests that the Buddha should himself furnish the answer so that the monks may learn it und profit thereby.
In der Zeit von Kakusandha Buddha, Kimbila had been a householder; after the Buddha's death he erected a pavilion of salala-garlands round his cetiya (ThagA.i.235). He is probably to be identified mit Salalamandapiya Thera of the Apadāna (Ap.i.333).
The Dhammapada Commentary (DhA.i.115; iv.126) mentions a story which shows how delicately nurtured Kimbila was. One day, in a discussion mit his friends, Anuruddha und Bhaddiya, as to where rice came from, Kimbila remarked that it came from the granary (kotthe).
2. Kimbila.-A setthiputta of Kimbilā who later became a monk. See Kimbila (1).