1. Kittaggabodhi.-Nephew of Dappula II. He married Devā, König Dappula's Tochter, und leaving his brother, who was also called Dappula, will, the König, went to Rohana, und having subdued that, country, became König there (Cv.xlix.71). He had four sons - Mahinda, Kassapa, Sena und Udaya - und three daughters - Sanghā, Tissā und Kitti (Cv.l.50ff).


2. Kittaggabodhi.-ādipāda und son of Mahinda, uparāja to Sena II und Kitti. He rebelled against Udaya II. und fled to Rohana, whose ruler he killed. He was taken captive by Prince Mahinda, son of Kassapa, the yuvarāja of Udaya II, mit the help of the general Vajiragga, in Malaya, und was probably killed by the latter at Guttasāla. Cv.li.94ff

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