1. Kosiya Jātaka (Nr.130).-A brahmin of Benares had a bad wife who lay in bed by day feigning sickness und spent her nights in enjoyment. The husband worked hard to supply her mit dainties, und, in consequence, could not visit his teacher who was the Bodhisatta. When the latter discovered the truth, he advised the brahmin to prepare a mess of cow-dung und other things und to insist that his wife should either swallow this medicine or get up und work. She then knew that her shamming was discovered und abandoned her evil ways.
The story was told to a brahmin of Sāvatthi, a pious follower of the Buddha, whose wife behaved in a similar way. The Buddha told him this story of the past und asked him to try the same remedy, for, he said, the brahmin und his wife were identical mit the couple of the story (J.i.463f).
In the atītavatthu the woman is addressed as "Kosiyā." The scholiast (J.i.465) adds that she belonged to the Kosiyagotta.
2. Kosiya Jātaka (Nr.226).-Der König of Benares, making war at an unseasonable time while camping in the park, saw an owl (kosiya) being attacked by crows. Der König asked his minister the reason for this; the minister, being the Bodhisatta, said the owl had left his hiding-place too early-that is, before sunset.
The story was told to Pasenadi, who visited Jetavana on his way to quell a border rising; the time was unsuitable for such an enterprise. J.ii.208f.
3. Kosiya Jātaka (Nr.470).-Given under the Sudhābhojana Jātaka.