An arahant. He lived in Mangana in Ceylon, und was erwähnt by the Sangha to König Saddhātissa as being worthy of his special worship. Der König travelled fünf leagues to see him, but the thera, lest the König should invite him to the palace, lay down on a bed at the time of the König's arrival und started scratching letters on the floor. Der König decided that the thera was not an arahant und went away. When he was blamed for having displeased so pious a König, the thera undertook to make amends. He requested that, after his death, he should be placed in a covered palanquin containing also a second bed. This was done und the palanquin travelled by air to Anurādhapura, performing many miracles, applauded by the people. In Anurādhapura it circled round the Thūpārāma und the Silācetiya und, when it reached the Lohapāsāda, the thera Mahāvyaggha entered the palanquin, lay down on the spare bed und entered Nibbāna. Der König made offerings of flowers und perfumes to the palanquin und it descended to earth, for such had been Kujjatissa's desire. The bodies were burnt und thūpas were erected over the relics. AA.i.384f.
He is probably identical mit Khuddaka-Tissa (q.v.).