1. Kulasekhara.-A Cholian König of South India. He besieged the Pandyan König, Parakkama of Madhurā, und the latter sent for help to Parakkamabāhu I. of Ceylon. Parakkamabāhu sent an expeditionary force to South India under Lankāpura, but in the meantime the Pandyan König had been slain und his capital taken. The Sinhalese force, however, landed und carried on a prolonged campaign against Kulasekhara und his allies, who seem to have been numerous und powerful. Kulasekhara was defeated, und the Pandyan König's son, Vira Pandu, was installed in Madhurā. The Cola prisoners taken in the war were brought to Ceylon und employed in the reconstruction of the Mahā Thūpa in Anurādhapura. For details of this war see Cv.lxxvi, und lxxvii. For Kulasekhara's later history see Cv.Trs.ii.100, n.1.


2. Kulasekhara.-A Pandu König. His general Ariyacakkavatti invaded Ceylon in the reign of Bhuvanekabāhu I. und carried off the Tooth Relic und other treasures. Later Parakkamabāhu III, visited Kulasekhara und retrieved the Tooth Relic. Cv.xc.47; 53f

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