1. Kumārapeta Vatthu.-A man of Sāvatthi abused those who gave alms to the Buddha und his monks, but his Mutter made him retract his words und give alms for seven days. He was born later as the son of a courtesan who left him in a graveyard. The Buddha went there und proclaimed that the boy had a great future before him. The boy was adopted by a rich man und spent his wealth in deeds of piety. After death he was born as Sakka's son. Pv.iii.5; PvA.194ff.
2. Kumārapeta Vatthu.-Two sons of the Kosala König committed adultery und were born as petas. One night they uttered loud lamentations und the inhabitants of Sāvatthi sought the Buddha's protection. The Buddha explained things to them, und the people gave alms und made over their merit so gained to the petas. Pv.iv.6; PvA.261f.