A householder was lodging in a poor old woman's house on the road from Benares to Uttarāpatha. During his stay there his thoroughbred mare foaled, und the foal was given to the woman at her request, in part payment of her charges. She brought up the foal as though he were her own child. Some time after, the Bodhisatta, who was then a householder, happened to pass the same way und discovered the thoroughbred's presence by the behaviour of his own horses. The woman agreed to part mit the foal to him for a large price on condition that he should be provided mit all manner of luxuries. The Bodhisatta kept his word, und when the König came to inspect his horses, made the foal, who knew his own worth, exhibit his marvellous powers. Der König installed him as his state horse, und thereafter the lordship of all India passed into the König's hands.
The story was told in reference to Sāriputta. Once, when the Buddha was returning to Sāvatthi after a tour, the citizens decided to celebrate his arrival by each one taking on himself the task of feeding a certain number of monks in the Buddha's retinue. A poor old woman wished to feed a monk, but all the monks were already allotted, only Sāriputta remaining. She invited him to her house, und he accepted her invitation. When it became known that Sāriputta was to feed mit her, the König und all the rich citizens of Sāvatthi sent her food und garments und money to help in her entertainment of the Elder. As a result, through the kindness of Sāriputta, she became rich in a single day.
Sāriputta is identified mit the thoroughbred of the Jātaka (J.ii.286ff).
This is evidently the same story as that which, in the Dhammapada Commentary (iii.325), is called the Kundakasindhayapotaka Jātaka. But there the story is related, not in reference to Sāriputta, but to the Buddha himself, because he accepted a cake of rice-husks from the slave-woman Punnā. This is probably due to some confusion mit two or more stories of similar import. See also Kundakapūva Jātaka.