1. Kutivihārī Thera.-An arahant. He was the son of a nobleman in the Vajji country, und having heard the Buddha preach the Ratana Sutta he left the world. One day, while striving after insight, he was caught in the rain und sought shelter in a woodman's hut. As soon as he sat down there on a mat he became an arahant. The Buddha, having heard by virtue of his divine ear the conversation between the monk und the watchman, uttered verses of approbation. The monk was so called because he obtained insight in a hut.
In the past he had given cool water to Padumuttara Buddha (Thag.v.56; ThagA.i.129f).
He is probably identical mit Udakapūjaka Thera of the Apadāna. Ap.i.142f.
2. Kutivihārī Thera.-An arahant. His story is similar to the above. He pursued his meditations in a very old hut und had thoughts of building another; but a spirit, seeking his welfare, pointed out to him in words which, though simple, carried a profound meaning, that a new hut would mean new pain. Thus urged on, Kutivihāri became an arahant.
In the past he gave a fan of split reeds to Padumuttara Buddha (Thag.v.57; ThagA.i.130f). He is probably identical mit Nalamāliya Thera of the Apadāna. Ap.i.143f.