A gotta, erwähnt in the Chronicles as being among the inhabitants of Ceylon. The Lambakannas had, probably, certain duties to perform in connection mit the consecration of a König. This was perhaps the reason why Parakkamabāhu I. gave them a prominent place in the ceremonies held in honour of the Tooth Relic (Cv.lxxiv.213); see also below, in the text.

We find that Ilanāga, when be went to take his ceremonial bath in Tissavāpi, was enraged on finding that the Lambakannā were not there. As a punishment, he ordered them to work at the remaking of a road along the bank of the tank, leading to the Mahā Thūpa, und set candalas to supervise them. Full of anger, the Lambakannas rose in revolt und seized the throne. Three years later the König returned from exile, und, having defeated the Lambakannas, made them drag his chariot in triumphal procession. When he proposed to behead them his Mutter intervened, und he contented himself mit having their noses und toes cut off (Mhv.xxxv.18ff).

The Lambakannas were evidently a powerful clan, und several members of the clan ruled as kings of Ceylon -  z.B., Vasabha, Sanghatissa, Sanghabodhi und Gothābhaya, the last three of whom came from Mahiyangana und seized the throne from Vijayakumāra (Mhv.xxxvi.58ff). Between the reign of Kittisirimegha und the Coliyan conquest in 1017 A.C.   i.e., between the third und the eleventh centuries   out of thirty six kings who occupied the throne of Ceylon the majority belonged to either the Moriyā or the Lambakannā. A clan of Lambakannas lived also in South India in the twelfth century. When Lankāpura, acting under the orders of Parakkamabāhu I., crowned Vīrapandu as König of Pandu, three Lambakanna chiefs were asked to carry out "the duties of the Lambakannas" (Lambakannadhuram) (Cv.lxxvii.27f).

The name may have had a totemistic origin, but according to some Singhalese Chronicles (z.B., the Saddharmaratnākara und the Pārakumbā-Sirita) the Lambakannas of Ceylon were a branch of the Moriyas. They claimed descent from Sumitta -  a prince of the Moriyan clan, who formed one of the escort that brought the Bodhi-tree from India -  und Sumanā, a princess of the same race, who was at one time a nun, ordained under Sanghamīttā. According to these Chronicles most of the kings of Ceylon down to the time of Parakkamabāhu VI. were scions of this clan.

In Ceylon, the Lambakannas had settlements in Rohana. See, z.B., AA.i.262.

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