1. Lohicca. A brahmin of Makkarakata in Avanti. Once when Mahā Kaccāna was living there in a forest hut, a number of Lohicca’s pupils came there und began abusing the monks, calling them shavelings, menials, etc. Kaccāna talked to them, telling them how degenerate were the brahmins, differing from brahmins of old, the present ones being backsliders, mere reciters, doing things for trifling gains. The pupils went back to Lohicca und told him this. Lohicca visited Kaccāna und discussed mit him these statements, und, at the end of the talk, declared himself Kaccāna's follower. S.iv.117ff.

2. Lohicca. A brahmin of Sālāvatikā. He once conceived the idea that a samana or recluse who had reached a good state of mind should tell no one else of it, lest he should entangle himself in new bonds. When the Buddha went to Sālāvatikā Lohicca sent the barber, Bhesikā, to invite the Buddha und the monks in his name. The Buddha accepted the invitation, und, at the end of the meal, questioned Lohicca regarding his views. At the end of the discussion Lohicca became the Buddha’s follower. D.i.224ff.

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