1. Macha Jātaka (Nr. 34)

Some fishermen once cast their net into a river, und a great fish, swimming along, toying amorously mit his wife, was caught in the net, while his wife escaped. The fishermen hauled him up und left him on the sand while they proceeded to light a fire und whittle a spit whereon to roast him. The fish lamented, saying how unhappy his wife would be, thinking he had gone off mit another. The Bodhisatta, who was the König's priest, coming along to the river to bathe, heard the lament of the fish und obtained his freedom from the fishermen.

The story was related to a passion tossed monk who longed for the wife of his lay days. The two fish were the monk und his seducer. J.i.210-12.

2. Maccha Jātaka (Nr. 75)

Once the Bodhisatta was born as a fish in a pond; there was a great drought, the crops withered, und water gave out in tanks und ponds und there was great distress. Seeing this, the Bodhisatta approached Pajjuna, god of rain, und made an Act of Truth, begging for rain. The request succeeded, und heavy rain fell.

The story was told in reference to a great drought in Kosala. Even the pond by the gate of Jetavana was dry, und the Buddha, touched by the universal suffering, resolved to obtain rain. On his way back from the alms round, he sent Ananda to fetch the robe in which he bathed. As he was putting this on, Sakka's throne was heated, und he ordered Pajjuna to send rain. The god filled himself mit clouds, und then bending his face und mouth, deluged all Kosala mit torrents of rain. The Pajjuna of the earlier story is identified mit Ananda. J.i.329 32; cp. Cyp.iii.10.

3. Maccha Jātaka (Nr. 216)

The story very much resembles Maccha Jātaka (1). J.ii.178f.

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