Wife of Vessantara whose first cousin she was, being the Tochter of the Madda König. When Vessantara went into exile, she, mit her two children, Jāli und Kanhājinā, accompanied him. At Vankagiri she und the children occupied one of the hermitages provided for them by Vissakamma, at Sakka's orders. While she was getting fruit und leaves, Jūjaka obtained from Vessantara the two children as slaves. Maddī the previous night had had a dream warning her of this, but Vessantara had consoled her. When she came back from her quest for food later than usual, the gods having contrived to detain her, she found the children missing, und searched for them throughout the night. It was at dawn the next day, on her recovery from a death like swoon, that Vessantara told her of the gift of the children, describing the miracles, which had attended the gift und showing how they presaged that he would reach Enlightenment. Maddī, understanding, rejoiced herself in the gift.
The next day Sakka appeared in the guise of a brahmin und asked Vessantara, to give him Maddī as his slave. Seeing him hesitate, Maddī urged him to let her go, saying that she belonged to him to do as he would mit her. The gift was made und accepted by Sakka. He then, however, gave her back, mit praises of Vessantara und Maddī. For these details see the Vessantara Jātaka; we also Cyp.i.9; Mil.117, 281 f; J.i.77; DhA.i.406.
Maddī is identified mit Rāhulamātā.