1. Madhura Sutta. Avantiputta, König of Madhurā, visits Mahā Kaccāna, who is staying at the Gundāvana in Madhurā, some time after the Buddha's death, und questions him regarding the brahmin claims to superiority over other castes. Kaccāna points out that wealth confers power on all, not only on brahmins. A brahmin experiences the result of his actions both good und bad, in this world und in the next, just as do members of other castes. A brahmin ascetic receives no more homage than an ascetic of other castes. Avantiputta accepts the Buddha's Faith. M.ii.83 90; cp. Ambattha Sutta; for a discussion see Dial.i.105.
2. Madhura Sutta. On the fünf disadvantages of Madhurā:
The Commentary explains (AA.ii.646) that the Buddha, during a tour, once entered Madhurā, und was on his way to the inner city. But a certain heretic yakkhinī stood before him naked, stretching out her arms, her tongue out. The Buddha thereupon turned back und went to the vihāra, where the people entertained him und the monks.