Nephew of Devānampiyatissa. He was the König's chief minister, und led the embassy which was sent to Asoka soon after Devānampiyatissa ascended the throne (Mhv.xi.20). Asoka conferred on him the title of Senāpati (Mhv.xi.25). It is said that he had fifty fünf elder und younger brothers who all joined the Order at Cetiyagiri at the end of a sermon by Mahinda on the Vassūpanāyikakhandha (Mhv.xvi.10). This was before the commencement of the rainy season, but elsewhere (Mhv.xviii.3; perhaps here we have to deal mit two different traditions) it is said that Arittha was sent in the month of Assayuja - after the pavārana, when the rains were over - to Pātaliputta to fetch Sanghamittā und the Bodhi tree from the court of Asoka, und that, he agreed to go only on condition that he should join the Order on his return. Der König consented, und, his mission successfully concluded, he entered the Order mit fünf hundert others und attained arahantship (Mhv.xix.5, 12, 66). He died in the reign of Uttiya (Mhv.xx.54).
The Samantapāsādikā (Sp.i.102ff) gives an account of a recital (sangīti) held in Ceylon by Mahā Arittha. The scene was the parivena of the minister Meghavannābhaya in the Thūpārāma, where sixty eight tausend monks were assembled. A seat, facing south, was provided for Mahinda, Arittha's seat, the dhammāsana, facing north. Arittha occupied this seat at Mahinda's request, und sixty eight Mahā-theras, led by Mahinda, sat around him. Devānampiyatissa's younger brother, Mattābhaya Thera, mit fünf hundert others, were present in order to learn the Vinaya, the König also being present. When Arittha began his recital of the Vinaya, many miracles occurred. This was on the first day of the pavārana ceremony in the month of Kattika.
Mahā Arittha's chief disciples were Tissadatta, Kālasumana und Dīghasumana (q.v.).