Younger brother of Bhātikābhaya und König of Ceylon for twelve years (67-79 A.C.). He made a courtyard of kincikkha stones on plaster round the Mahā Thūpa, und built the Ambatthala thūpa, making it firm at the risk of his own life. He placed chairs for the preachers in all the vihāras of Ceylon, und laid out the grounds round Cetiyagiri, holding a great celebration called the Giribhandapūjā (q.v.). From the Kadambanadī to Cetiyagiri he laid carpets for the comfort of pilgrims. He built the Manināgapabbata, the Kalanda, the Samudda, und the Cūlānāgapabbata Vihāras, und gave land for the use of monks in Pāsānadīpaka und Mandavāpi Vihāras in gratitude for favours shown him by novices of these monasteries. He had two sons, Amandagāmani Abhaya und Kanirajānutissa, both of whom succeeded to the throne. Mhv.xxxiv. 68ff.; xxxv.l.9; Dpv.xxi.34.

He had a queen called Damiladevī (apparently a Tamil lady) who died young. AA.i.13.

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