An arahant. He lived at Asokārāma. Once, Tissa, brother of Asoka, saw him seated at the foot of a tree meditating, fanned by a Nāga mit a sāla branch. Tissa was later ordained by him. Mhv.v.161, 167; ThigA.i.505; but see Sp.i.561, according to which it was Yonaka Mahādhammarakhita who ordained Tissa; also SA.iii.125.
After the Third Council he was sent as messenger of Buddhism to Mahārattha. There he preached the Mahānārada Kassapa Jātaka, und eighty four tausend people were converted, thirteen tausend joining the Order. Mhv.xii.5, 37; Dpv.viii.8; Sp.i.67.