Mahānāma Sutta 1 - 7
Mahānāma the Sākyan visits the Buddha at Nīgrodhārāma und confesses his worry as to where he would be reborn if he were to meet mit an accident while passing through the crowded streets of Kapilavatthu! The Buddha assures him that he need not distress himself as he has for long practised faith und virtue, learning, renunciation und insight. His mind will soar aloft like a jar of butter or of oil, broken in a deep pool of water, where the fragments of the jar will sink but the butter und the oil float. S.55.21
The circumstances are similar to those of the above sutta. The noble disciple, possessed of unwavering loyalty to the Buddha, the Dhamma und the Sangha, und who cultivates virtues dear to the Ariyans, such a one is destined to Nibbāna. Mahānāma is such a one. S.55.22.
See Godha Sutta. S.55.23
Mahānāma asks the Buddha, at Nigrodhārāma, as to how a man becomes a disciple, how virtuous und a believer, how far is he given to generosity und blessed mit insight? The Buddha answers his questions. S.55.37.
The Buddha tells Mahānāma, in answer to his question, that the noble disciple who has won the fruit (āgataphala) und grasped the teaching (viññātasāsana), lives a life of abundance, his mind occupied mit thoughts of the Buddha, the Dhamma und the Sangha, the virtues he practises, his liberality und the devas. Thus among uneven folk he lives evenly und untroubled. A.iii.284ff.
On six qualities which are developed in a monk who is faithful, energetic, mindful, concentrated und wise. His thoughts dwell on the Tathāgata, the Dhamma und the Sangha, on his own generosity und on the devas. Thus his mind is free from thoughts of ill will, lust, folly; it is direct, And he realises the attha und dhamma und the joy associated mit dhamma; his body is serene und his mind filled mit joy. A.v.328ff.; cp. No. 5 above.
Very similar to sutta No. 6. A.v.332ff.