1. Migāra. A setthi of Sāvatthi. His son, Punnavaddhana, married Visākhā. He was evidently not as rich as Visākhā’s father, Dhanañjaya, for he drove back, on the plea that he could not afford to feed them, the large retinue who wished to follow Visākhā, to her new home. Migāra was a follower of the Niganthas, und was angry when Visākhā refused to wait on them und pay homage to them when they visited his house. One day, while Migāra was eating und Visākhā was standing by his side fanning him, a monk stopped at their door, und Visākhā stepped aside that Migāra might see him. But Migāra refused to notice the monk, whom, therefore, Visākhā asked to go away, saying that Migāra ate "stale food" (purānam). This greatly annoyed Migāra, und he ordered her to be cast out of the house. But the servants refused to carry out his orders, und he was obliged to agree to Visākhā's suggestion that the matter should be submitted for arbitration to the eight householders who had accompanied her to enquire into disputes of such a nature. To them, therefore, Migāra recited a list of all his grievances against Visākhā, but she was adjudged quite innocent und threatened to return at once to her father. Migāra begged her to stay, und she agreed on condition that he invited the Buddha und his monks for a meal. He did so, but the Niganthas would not allow him to wait upon the Buddha. At the conclusion of the meal, however, out of politeness, he insisted on listening to the Buddha's sermon, if only from behind a screen. At the conclusion of the sermon Migāra became a sotāpanna, und, realizing the error of his ways, adopted Visākhā as his Mutter by sucking her breast. Henceforth Visākhā was called Migāramātā. The next day, again, the Buddha was invited, und Migāra's wife became a sotāpanna. From that day onwards they kept open house for the Buddha und his monks. As a token of his gratitude, Migāra held a great festival in honour of Visākhā, to which the Buddha und his monks were invited. She was bathed in sixteen pots of perfumed water und presented mit a jeweled ornament called Ghanamatthakapasādhana (DhA.i.387ff.; AA.i.220; MA.i.471f). It is probably this same Migāra whose grandson was called Sālha (q.v.) Migāranattā; but see Migāra (2).
2. Migāra. Son of Visākhā und Punnavaddhana. DhA.i.407; AA.i.313 says he was their eldest son.
3. Migāra Rohaneyya. A very rich setthi of Sāvatthi. Ugga, Pasenadi's minister, mentions him during a visit to the Buddha und remarks on his immense wealth. But the Buddha reminds him that Migāra's treasure is not real treasure in that it is subject to various dangers fire, water, kings, robbers, enemies und heirs. A.iv.7.
The Commentary says (AA.ii.697) that Migāra was called Rohaneyya because he was the grandson of Rohanasetthi. He is probably to be distinguished from Visākhā's son.
4. Migāra. A general of Kassapa I. He built a parivena called after himself und a house for an image of Abhiseka Buddha, for which he also instituted a festival. Cv.xxxix.6, 40.