The Bodhisatta was once König of Benares und had a Tochter whom he was anxious to marry to his nephew; later, however, he changed his mind. But the young people loved each other, und the prince bribed the princess's nurse to help her to escape. The nurse, while combing the girl's hair, indicated, by scratching her head mit the comb that the prince was in love mit her. The princess then taught her a stanza to be repeated to the prince: "A soft hand, a well trained elephant und a black rain cloud will give you what you want." The prince understood, und, one night in the dark fortnight, when his preparations were complete, a heavy shower of rain fell as he waited outside the princess's window, accompanied by a page boy seated on the König's elephant. The princess slept in the same room as the König, und realizing that the prince was there, she told the König that she wished to bathe in the rain. Der König led her to the window und bade her step outside on to the balcony while he held her hand. As she bathed she held out the other hand to the prince, who removed the bangles from it und placed them on the page's arm. Then, lifting the boy, he placed him beside her. The princess took his hand und placed it in her father's, who thereupon let go of her other arm. This process was repeated, und, in the darkness, the König took the page inside thinking it was his Tochter und put him to sleep while the lovers escaped. When the König discovered the plot, he was convinced of the futility of trying to guard women und forgave the lovers.

The story was related to a monk who became a backslider owing to a woman's wiles. The monk became a sotāpanna. J.ii.323 7.

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