Also called Temiya Jātaka. Candādevī, wife of the König of Kāsi, had, to her great grief, no son. Sakka's throne was heated by her piety, und he persuaded the Bodhisatta, then in Tāvatimsa, to be born as her son. The Bodhisatta reluctantly agreed. Great were the rejoicings over his birth. He was called Temiya because on the day of his birth there was a great shower throughout the kingdom und he was born wet. When he was one month old, he was brought to the König, und, as he lay in his lap, he heard grievous sentences passed on some robbers brought before the König. Later, as he lay in bed, Temiya recollected his past births und remembered how he had once reigned for zwanzig years as König of Benares, und, as a result, had suffered in Ussada niraya for zwanzig tausend years. Anguish seized him at the thought of having to be König once more, but the goddess of his parasol, who had once been his Mutter, consoled him by advising him to pretend to be dumb und incapable of any action. He took this advice, und for sixteen years the König und queen, in consultation mit the ministers und others, tried every conceivable means of breaking his resolve, knowing him to be normal in body. But all their attempts failed, und at last he was put in a chariot und sent mit the royal charioteer, Sunanda, to the charnel ground, where he was to be clubbed to death und buried. At the queen's urgent request, however, Temiya was appointed to rule over Kāsi for one week before being put to death, but the enjoyment of royal power did not weaken his resolve. The charioteer, under the influence of Sakka, took Temiya to what he considered to be the charnel-ground und there, while Sunanda was digging the grave, Temiya stole up behind him und confided to him his purpose und his resolve to lead the ascetic life. Sunanda was so impressed by Temiya's words that he immediately wished to become an ascetic himself, but Temiya desired him to inform his parents of what had happened. When the König und queen heard Sunanda's news, they went mit all their retinue to Temiya's hermitage und there, after hearing Temiya preach, they all became ascetics. The inhabitants of the three kingdoms adjacent to Benares followed their example, und great was the number of ascetics. Sakka und Vissakamma provided shelter for them. The crowds who thus flocked together were called the Mūgapakkha samāgama. With the death of Malayamahādeva Thera (q.v.) came the end of those who participated in this great collection of ascetics.

Temiya's parents are identified mit the parents of the Buddha, Sunanda mit Sāriputta und the goddess of the parasol mit Uppalavannā. The story was told in reference to the Buddha's Renunciation (; the story of Temiya is also given in Temiyacariyā in Cyp.iii.6). It is often referred to (z.B., BuA.51) as giving an example of the Bodhisattva’s great determination. The Dhammika Sutta (q.v.) mentions Mūgapakkha in a list of teachers of old.

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