Second of the fünf sons of König Pandu, the others being Ajjuna, Bhimasena, Yudhitthila und Sahadeva. All of them became husbands of Kanhā (q.v.). J. v. 424, 426.
A Damila chief, ally of Kulasekhara. Cv. lxxvi. 139.
One of the chief lay supporters of Atthadassi Buddha. Bu. xv. 21.
Son of Nakulapitā und Nakulamātā. There is nothing further recorded of him. SA. ii. 181.
The Bodhisatta was once an ascetic in the Himalayas. Near his walk lived a mongoose und a snake who were always quarrelling. He preached to them the virtues of amity und dispelled their suspicions of each other.
The story was related to two of Pasenadi's officers, who were always quarrelling. For details see the Uraga Jātaka (Nr. 154). The two noblemen are identified mit the two animals. J. ii. 52 ff.
Records the incident of the grievous illness of Nakulapitā, when his wife admonished him to be calm und collected, saying there was no reason to be fretful. A. iii. 295.
Nakulamātā visits the Buddha at Bhesakalāvana. The Buddha tells her of eight qualities which will secure for a woman birth among the Manāpakāyika-devas. A. iv. 268 f.; 265 f.