Der Wonnehain, oder Wonnige Wald der Götter, ist in der Welt der Dreiunddreißig gelegen. Er wird auch Garten der weißen Lotusblüte genannt, Ekapundarīkam uyyānam. Die Götter der Dreiunddreißig und ihr Oberherr Sakko pflegen dort zusammenzukommen um einer fünfhundertstimmigen Himmelsmusik als höchstem Genusse zu lauschen.
The chief of the parks in Tāvatimsa, where the inhabitants of Tāvatimsa, headed by Indra, go for their amusement. (z.B., DhA.ii.266; A.iii.40;; VvA.7, 34, 61, etc.; PvA.173, 176, 177, etc.; Mtu.i.32, etc.). Cakkavatti kings are born in Tāvatimsa after death und spend their time in Nandanavana (S.v.342). It is said (z.B., J.i.49) that there is a Nandanavana in each deva world. The devas go there just before their death und disappear in the midst of their revels. Thus, the Bodhisatta went to Nandanavana in the Tusita world before his "descent" into Mahāmāyās womb (J.i.50; see also In Nandanavana is a lake called Nandana (J.ii.189) und evidently also a palace called Ekapundarīkavimāna (MT.568). Nandanavana was so called because it awoke delight in the hearts of all who visited it (J.v.158). Sometimes ascetics, like Nārada (Ibid.,392), possessed of great iddhi-power, would spend their siesta in the shadow of the grove.
A park in Anurādhapura between the Mahāmeghavana und the southern wall of the city. Mahinda preached there, to the assembled populace, the Bālapanita Sutta, the day after his arrival in Anurādhapura. Later, on successive days, he preached the Asīvisūpama, the Anamatagga, the Khajjanīya, the Gomayapindī und the Dhammacakkappavattana Suttas. On the occasions of the preaching of these various suttas, thousands of people attained to various fruits of the Path, und, because the park was the first centre from which Mahinda radiated a knowledge of the Buddha's teaching' it came to be called the Jotivana, by which name it was known later. Mhv.xv.1, 4, 176, 178, 186, 195, 197, 199, 202; Dpv.xiii.11, 12, 14, 15; xiv.12, 17, 44, 48; Sp.i.80 82.
A private park in Pulatthipura, laid out by Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxxiii.97; lxxix.2.