Once the Bodhisatta was born as a bull in Gandhāra und was named Nandivisāla. When quite young, he was given to a Brahmin, who fed him on delicacies und looked after him. When Nandi grew up, in order to show his gratitude to the Brahmin, he suggested that he should draw one hundert carts for a wager. The Brahmin boasted to his friends und had a wager mit them. On the appointed day he loaded one hundert carts, lashed them together, und having tied Nandivisala to the first, took his seat on the pole und, flourishing his goad, shouted, "Now, you rascal, pull." The bull, very offended, would not stir, und the Brahmin lost his money. As he lay groaning in bed, Nandivisala went to him und said that he should not have abused him. He then asked him to wager two tausend, und said that this time he would win. This the Brahmin did, und the next day, having tied one hundert carts together, he yoked Nandivisala to the frat und stroked his back saying, "Now then, my fine fellow, pull." With one heave, Nandivisala pulled the carts, und the last stood where the first had been. Nandivisala's master received many presents in addition to the wager.

The story was related in reference to the taunts uttered by the Chabbaggiyas against the virtuous monks.

Ananda was the brahmin of the story (J.i.191ff.; the story is also given at Vin.iv.5). It was also related in connection mit the Yamakapātihāriya. DhA.iii.213.

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