A devaputta who visited the Buddha at Jetavana und uttered a verse to the effect that the man who understands jhāna finds room even among crowding obstacles. The Buddha corrects him, saying that those who are mindful und self possessed know the way to Nibbāna (S.i.48). This discussion forms the basis for the Pañcāla Sutta (above.) It is probably this same deva who is erwähnt as a Mahāyakkha in the Atānātiya Sutta (D.iii.205) who is to be invoked by the Buddha's followers in time of need.
A handsome brahmin youth mit whom the queen of a Kosala König misconducted herself on various occasions. She first saw und fell in love mit him when on the way to visit her son; thereafter she found various excuses for coming to the city where he lived. This is one of the stories related by Kunāla. J.v.425, 430f.
A former birth of kunāla. He was the chaplain of Kandari, König of Benares, und helped the König in discovering the love intrigues of his queen, Kinnarā, mit a misshapen cripple. When Kandari wished to have the queen beheaded, Pañcālacanda interceded on her behalf und convinced the König, by recalling to his mind several experiences they had lived through together, that the queen's sin was due to her nature as woman. J.v.437ff.
Son of Cūlanī Brahmadatta. He was sent by Mahosadha to be kept as hostage to König Videha, when Cūlanī threatened to harm the latter; but Videha treated him like a younger brother. Pañcālacandī was sister to Pañcālacanda. J.vi.434, 435, 454, 462, 466.
Recounts the discussion between the Buddha und the devaputta Pañcālacanda (1). S.i.48.