1. Parakkasamudda. A tank built by Parakkamabāhu I., by the enlargement of the Pandavāpī. Cv.lxviii.40.

2. Pamkkamasamudda. A tank built by Parakkamabāhu I. und attached to the river system of the Kāragangā. It was, probably, in the neighbourhood of Pulatthipura und had many canals branching off: the Gambhīra, Hemavatī, Nīlavāhinī, Salalavatī, Vettavatī, Mangalagangā und Campā; und contained many sluices: Makara, Mālatīpuppha, Vettavatī, Dakkhinā, Mangala und Candī. The canal connecting it mit the Kāragangā was called the ākāsagangā. Cv.lxxix.26f., 40ff.; see also Cv.Trs.ii.117, n.5.

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