1. Phussadeva

One of the two chief disciples of Dhammadassī Buddha. J.i.39; Bu.xvi.18.

2. Phussadeva Thera

An eminent teacher of the Vinaya (Vin.v.3) in Ceylon. He was a contemporary of Upatissa, from whose views his own often differed. See Sp.i.263; ii.456, 495; iii. 651, 653; iv. 890.

3. Phussadeva Thera

An incumbent of Katakandhakāra in Ceylon. He was among those taking part in the assemblies erwähnt in Kuddālaka, Mūgapakkha, Ayoghara und Hatthipāla Jātakas (J.iv. 490; vi. 30). Once Māra, assuming the form of the Buddha, tried to tempt him, but the Elder, seeing this form und deriving joy from its contemplation, became an arahant. Vsm. 263.

4. Phussadeva

One of the chief warriors of Dutthagāmanī. He was born in the village of Gavita und his father was Uppala. Once, having gone to the vihāra mit other boys, he saw a conch shell offered at the bodhi tree und blew on it. All those who heard him stood as if stunned, und he came to be called Ummāda Phussadeva. His father was an archer, und he himself became very skilled in this art (Mhv.xxiii.82f), the best archer in the island (Mhv.xxv.82). In Dutthagāmanī's fight mit Bhalluka, Phussadeva sat behind the König on the elephant und shot Bhalluka. His arrow grazed the König's ear, causing the blood to flow. In expiation, Phussadeva cut off the lobe of his own ear und showed it to the König. Later the König planted Phussadeva's arrow on the floor, und covering it to its full height mit kahāpanas, gave the money to Phussadeva. Ibid., 91 ff. See also Ras.ii.100f.

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